Selling Books During a Pandemic
This is Earl. He was my appliance guy, he’s now my friend. He really didn’t want his picture taken which is why I had to snap him on the fly.
When I was writing The Suicide of Sophie Rae, Earl was repairing my refrigerator—a bitch of a behemoth who didn’t, and wouldn’t, ever cool down, except for the water line to the ice maker which continually froze solid…but I digress. As Earl was tinkering with the fridge, he asked me if I would name a character after him in my next book. I said, “absolutely!”
He was so excited about that, he started selling my first book to his clients, telling them he was going to be a character in the next one. A year later, when Dinner With The Hawthornes was published, he started selling those to his clients, telling them he was in the book. I thought I was going to write him into one scene, but I really had fun with his quirky character, and brought him back a few more times. And, once the story ends, Earl has his very own vignette!
The whole point to my post is, Earl has now sold close to 100 books! Every few days he stops by for a few more, today he took four. I just wanted to share because it’s hard enough to market and sell a book, especially in these crazy times...but there is always a way! I hope you find your Earl, because I love mine!
P.S. Earl is turning into quite a celebrity, I have had a few purchase requests for him to sign the book! :)
Earl, the celebrity, signing books!